Tuesday, May 19, 2015

IPC training starts at Princess Christian Maternity Hospital

PCMH clinical staff engaged in IPC training
May 4th not only started a weeklong campaign for hand hygiene, it also saw the brilliant start of Infection Prevention and Control  (IPC) training at Princess Christian Maternity Hospital. PCMH is one of the 3 hospitals Welbodi Partnership supports in a national IPC program that was created by the Ministry of Health and Sanitation, CDC and partners, including Welbodi. The IPC program is aimed at improving hospital standards and working alongside a national IPC Focal Nurse in each facility. There will be a big focus on training of all cadres of hospital staff in the first phase of the project, followed by a huge push on the implementation of infection control measures such as hand washing, waste segregation and appropriate sharps (needles/razors etc) management in the clinical areas. This is to ensure patient and health worker safety during the current Ebola epidemic but also for the future since there are many infectious diseases that pose a risk to our patients and staff.

The first training at PCMH was a three day long event aimed at getting our senior nurses fully prepared and trained as ‘Link’ Nurses throughout the hospital. Subjects taught by Margaret, PCMH IPC Focal Person, and Katie, Welbodi Partnership IPC Nurse Mentor, included demonstrations on hand hygiene, how to don and doff PPE and waste segregation. We even managed a race on who could construct a sharps box the fastest.  This was a great opportunity to remind staff of the importance of IPC, to encourage them to take an active role in IPC in their area of responsibility and to empower them to pass on their knowledge and skills to their colleagues as well as reinforce IPC and make sure that IPC measures are put in place in their clinical areas. 

This three-day training of 16 staff at PCMH was a great way to kick off the training for over 400 hospital staff that will need to be trained over the next two months.

Photos by: Katie Hadlock
Text by: Katie Hadlock & Sandra Lako

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